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I used to think that I hated reading. I knew I loved crafting stories. How could you hate reading so much, but love writing? I'm sure it's possible, but again, I didn't hate reading. In fact, back in my elementary school days, I read A LOT. I mean, a lot, a lot. What was the problem now, then? The problem was, I didn't find things that I enjoyed reading. Finding interesting works in itself can be a tedious, time-consuming hassle.


I must admit, the Accelerated Reading Program we had back in elementary school was one of the driving factors of me discovering my passion for reading and writing. Sometimes we need incentives to be pushed in the direction of where we need to be. When I talk to the average person, more often than not, they are not readers, and there are far too many worldly distractions that they rather be occupied with.

Maybe Lottoriddles can direct people towards a healthy habit that they'd be thankful for later. There's at least a monetary incentive and the gaming element it encompasses. You'd think the type of stories I write would be in abundance. Maybe they are, but again, they are hard to discover. Hopefully, we can fill a void with many non-readers, and/or current readers who are lacking with the kind of literary works they do like to read. Maybe, maybe, maybe...


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As you may have seen on our home page, foreign riddles will soon grace this amazing site. For those of you who speak many languages and have a culture outside of America, you are in luck. We here at Lottoriddles understand you. American culture can be weird, uncomfortable, and unsettling for many. Therefore, as a Riddler, I didn't want to simply translate English-written riddles into another language since people from other cultures would still not be able to decipher the riddle as the problem lies within understanding the culture.

Well, of course, there is a fix to this. The answers to riddles written in a specific language will be geared towards the cultural understanding that that language represents. If you read the Japanese riddles, it would behoove you to know Japanese culture. If you read a Spanish language riddle, chances are that the answer is something that say … Mexicans would know. I'm aware that there are far more Spanish-speaking countries. I am just giving examples of what I want you to expect.

With that being said, we urge Foreign readers, please don't be reluctant to give our riddles a try. You'd be surprised at the depth of cultural understanding we place into our work. And to make the deal a bit sweeter, our plan is to make these riddles "easy".

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Updated: Apr 12, 2021

A phrase many of us have heard growing up in a lottery town is "Those numbers dropped." Or at least you've heard a similar saying. It is the inspiration of this page. Yes, we are lottery and casino themed.

Welcome to The Drop where you will find the latest news directly from us here at Lottoriddles. From upcoming projects to how we plan to fix certain problems that may be present, this blog is where you will want to come first. We will also explain why we do certain things the way we do if it doesn't seem to make sense to you. You can say this is straight from the horse's mouth, and you can expect the official word. It's our voice to you.

It will also be a blog of give and take. Maybe you have a great idea in the comments that we can implement. Maybe there's a problem we're not aware of that you want to bring to our attention. Here is where you do it because we will be watching. Fair warning: toxicity will not be tolerated, nor will the sharing of rejected answers.

If you haven't already, check out our social media sites. The Drop is our blog in our own way. Have fun exploring our site and don't forget to purchase a lottoriddle.

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